华盛顿邮报 特朗普爱荷华州取得压倒性胜利(6)(在线收听

So, in the primary, um, I'm supporting Nikki Haley.


I think she is -- brings a lot of the substantive policy analysis that we saw from Asa, but is also, like, a viable candidate.

我觉得她带来了我们从阿萨(Asa Hutchinson)身上看到的很多实质性的政策分析,但她也是一个有望当选的候选人。

And I think that's just another part of how persuasive she is in her town halls, is because she treads such a careful line between being too much of one thing, and a lot of voters can hear themselves in what she says.


So when she talks about abortion, for example, I've asked people afterwards like, "What do you think she believes in? Like, imagine a Nikki Haley presidency. And what do you think is the abortion law of the land?"例如,当她谈到堕胎时,我后来问人们,“你认为她信仰什么? 想象一下,如果尼基·黑利担任总统,你觉得这个国家的堕胎法会是怎样的?”

And I get wildly different answers.


I'll get people who say, like, "I think there will be a federal ban because she said she's pro-life."我听到有人说:“我认为会有联邦禁令,因为她说她反对堕胎。”

And then I will get people who say, "She wouldn't pass an abortion ban. She said that she respects women's right to choose."我也听到有人说:“她不会通过堕胎禁令。她说她尊重女性的选择权。”

Which I think -- Yeah, that really reflects the fact that even the party and the base can't figure out what the consensus is on this issue.


But, like, you know, Michael, I guess, does this mean that Nikki Haley is doing well in this race? Is she doing good?

迈克尔,这是否意味着尼基·黑利在这场竞选中表现不错? 她表现好吗?

I mean, if you're coming second in any kind of a primary, I would imagine that wouldn't be seen as a success, but as 2024 is happening, it's, of course, an unconventional year. So is this a successful campaign?


Well, right now, yeah, Nikki is having the most successful campaign next to Trump.


We don't know what that means yet.


I mean, historically, the winner of the Iowa caucus on the Republican side does not become the president.


It's a very evangelical, rural state that the rest of the Republican electorate doesn't always follow.


Really? So that's not actually a good measure of success later on in the campaign?

真的吗? 爱荷华州的竞选结果并不能很好地衡量竞选后期的成功吗?

No, I mean, you can think back to the past winners.


Mike Huckabee did not win in 2008. Rick Santorum did not go on to become the Republican nominee.


Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucus?


Yeah, that's right. But it can be a springboard. And there is a real precedent here.


And this is what Nikki is gaming at, that she's right now in some polls less than double digits behind Trump in New Hampshire.


New Hampshire is the last major contest before her home state of South Carolina, which will come in late February. There's about a month in between there.


So she is hoping for an above-expectations win in Iowa, if she comes in second, if she ties DeSantis.


I mean, right now the polls are basically even for DeSantis and Haley in Iowa.


If she can beat expectations, that will give her a boost going into New Hampshire.


That will hurt DeSantis, who is not really a factor right now in New Hampshire.


Chris Christie just got out. And she has a real shot in New Hampshire, I think, of either basically tying or coming very close to Trump or beating Trump.

