纽约时报 曾红极一时的詹姆斯·鲍德温(2)(在线收听


    Baldwin first ascended into the ranks of America's great literary figures鲍德温首先跻身美国伟大文学人物的行列,

    while raising, particularly in his searing essays, unsettling questions about the nation's past and present, all rendered with a cutting, double-edged honesty:


    He was unsparing but also generous, lyrical, edifying as a conscience.


    More than a decade and a half before Chase arrived for the "20/20" interview,在接受《20/20》节目记者蔡斯采访的15年前,in the early 1960s, Baldwin would appear on the cover of Time magazine ("The Negro's Push for Equality"),也就是上世纪60年代早期,鲍德温曾登上《时代周刊》的封面(当期主题为“黑人争取平等”),travel for television appearances and lectures and, famously, debate the conservative writer William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965.


    As the 1970s closed, though, and the gains of the civil rights movement quelled mainstream fascination, Baldwin no longer roused attention in quite the same way.


    In 1979, something convinced ABC that the "20/20" interview wasn't enough. The segment was scrapped.


    According to Lovett, the reaction at the show was, roughly, "Who wants to listen to a Black gay has-been?"据洛维特说,人们对这个节目的反应大致是,“谁会想听过气黑人同性恋的采访?”

    It's not unusual for thinkers' reputations to fade or swell according to society's use for them.


    Our use for Baldwin, who died in 1987, has clearly returned to a great high.


    Over the last decade, writers including Ta-Nehisi Coates have taken him as an explicit model in their works;过去十年里,塔内希斯·科茨等作家在他们的作品中将鲍德温作为明确的典范;an Oscar-nominated documentary, "I Am Not Your Negro," was built from an unfinished Baldwin manuscript,获得奥斯卡提名的纪录片《我不是你的黑鬼》根据鲍德温未完成的手稿改编而成,and an Oscar-nominated film from his novel "If Beale Street Could Talk."另一部获得奥斯卡提名的电影则由鲍德温的小说《假若比尔街能够讲话》改编而成。

    Last year, one of The New Yorker's most-read stories was an essay he wrote for the magazine in 1962.


    Among earlier critics, though, Baldwin could face a combination of dissent and humiliation.


    By the late 1960s, as Henry Louis Gates Jr. wrote in a 1992 essay, "Baldwin-bashing was almost a rite of initiation" for a new generation of Black intellectuals;上世纪60年代末,正如小亨利·路易斯·盖茨在1992年的一篇文章中所写,对新一代黑人知识分子来说,“抨击鲍德温几乎是一种启蒙仪式”;he was dismissed with homophobic epithets, or had his erudition interpreted as a capitulation to white intellectuals.


    ("Soul on Ice," Eldridge Cleaver's memoir, was laced with homophobic rebukes of Baldwin(埃尔德里奇·克里弗的回忆录《冰上灵魂》中夹杂了对鲍德温的恐同指责,and described "Negro homosexuals" as "frustrated because in their sickness they are unable to have a baby by a white man";并称“黑人同性恋者”“非常受挫,因为他们生病时不能由白人男子生孩子”;Amiri Baraka criticized Baldwin for "playing the distressed aesthete in Europe.")阿米里·巴拉卡指责鲍德温“在欧洲扮演痛苦的唯美主义者。”)Martin Luther King Jr., in a private conversation recorded and summarized by the F.B.I., claimed to be put off by Baldwin's "poetic exaggeration."马丁·路德·金在被联邦调查局录音整理的私人谈话中声称,鲍德温的“诗意夸张”让他感到不快。

    Even that Time magazine profile noted that Baldwin was "not, by any stretch of the imagination, a Negro leader,"就连《时代》周刊的简介也指出,鲍德温“在任何想象中都不是黑人领袖”,described him as "nervous, slight, almost fragile" and "effeminate in manner," and said he "often loses his audience with overblown arguments."称他“容易紧张、瘦弱、几乎可以说是虚弱”而且“举止娘娘腔”,并说他“经常因言过其实的言论而失去听众”。
