纽约时报 莱瓦尔·伯顿谈他的新挑战(5)(在线收听


You've talked in the past about the importance of "Roots" as a key moment of recognition for the Black experience in American culture. Is there a particular aspect of the Black experience in America that you feel is still being ignored by the culture industry? Of course: What being Black in America looks and feels like, right, David? Well, I don't expect you to know. I don't know why I say "right?" as if we have shared lived experience. We do, but not in this regard. One could not achieve a status lower in society than to be born Black in America. That means everything is on the order of ascendancy. That is the raison d'être. It's why we exist: to rise, to rise, to rise to the point where our humanity is recognized, to rise to our fullest level of potential in spite of the knee on our necks.


You said earlier that you have moments where you wonder how your soul got here. Do you believe your soul was around before LeVar Burton was born? Oh, I believe in reincarnation. I don't think we're one and done. I think that as souls we are continually seeking experience and that reincarnating is the way the soul learns. When my mother passed away a few years ago, I was aware, for the first time, of what it feels like to have angelic advocacy. This moment that I am experiencing now, and I haven't had a moment like this since I was 19 in terms of public attention — what I love about this moment is that I'm 64. I'm not 19. I understand what this moment is about. I understand that it's fleeting. I'm comfortable with myself, and so I know that my response to it is balanced and organic, and I can enjoy it so much more. But to my point, I know Erma Gene is up there advocating for her son.


How tough is it going to be if you don't get the "Jeopardy!" job? It will hurt. I'm not going to lie. But if that happens, I will get over it. I will be fine. Remember: Everything happens perfectly and for a reason. That is my default. It's all going to be OK. Because it always is.

