纽约时报 黑道家族如何影响美国---以不为人知的方式(4)(在线收听


They were the same self-regarding upper middle class that the Soprano family aspired to join,他们正是黑道家族渴望加入的那种自私自利的中上阶层,and who let them in at arm’s length for their own amusement为了自娱自乐而让他们保持一定距离的人。

— people like Dr. Melfi’s therapist, Elliot Kupferberg; or the Cusamanos, who lived next door.

比如梅尔菲医生的治疗师Elliot Kupferberg; 或者住在隔壁的库萨马诺一家。

These characters were audience surrogates, and Chase plainly held them in contempt.


But new viewers don’t identify with those characters;但新观众并不认同这些角色;

instead, they see in them their parents, whose HBO login they stole, or the rich friend’s parents whose login they stole, or just some yuppie Boomer nitwits.


Younger viewers do not have to fear Chase’s wrath, because they are not so obviously its object.


They are also able to watch the show for hours on end, which makes the subtext and themes more apparent.


Perhaps all of this has offered clarity that was not possible when the show aired.


Perhaps it is easier now to see exactly who — or what — Chase was angry at.


Ever since its infamous final scene, and even before that, “The Sopranos” has been subjected to relentless analysis;从臭名昭著的最后一幕开始,甚至在那之前,《黑道家族》就一直受到无情的分析;it is easily one of the most written-about TV shows in the medium’s short history.


But more than the shows that have emerged in its wake, which are subjected to close readings and recaps in nearly every major publication,但是,与几乎所有主要出版物都会仔细阅读和总结的紧随其后出现的剧集相比,“The Sopranos” has a novelistic quality that actually withstands this level of scrutiny.


It’s not uncommon to hear from people who have watched the series several times, or who do so on a routine basis从看过几次的人那里听到或者经常看的人那里听到这部剧并不罕见,— people who say it reveals new charms at different points in life.


The show is full of extraneous details that exist only for its own enrichment.


There are dreams and leitmotifs.


The early seasons are cleverly postmodern in their treatment of mob movies.


The lead character’s therapist is an unreconstructed Freudian.


This, arguably, is the show that left us in a world awash with hints and antiheroes and dream sequences and characters可以说,这部剧让我们置身于一个充斥着暗示、反英雄、梦境序列和人物的世界,explaining their motivations and frustrations and wounds aloud, as if in therapy.


On top of all this, it’s funny — funnier than most shows billed as comedies these days.


But even as “The Sopranos” gives, it withholds, and it’s this withholding that invites so much close reading.


The show continually tosses up mysteries over its seven seasons, even when it comes to major plot points.


It’s never totally clear, for example, whether Ralph Cifaretto killed the racehorse Pie-o-My;例如,拉尔夫·西法雷托是否杀死了赛马Pie-o-My,这一点从来都不完全清楚;he probably did, but the show never really says.


It’s not clear that Jimmy Altieri — the crew member executed in Season 1 for informing — was really a rat;尚不清楚在第一季中因告密而被处决的同伙成员吉米·阿尔蒂耶里是否真的是个叛徒;it seems as if he might have died for Big Pussy’s sins, but no one on the show so much as mentions it.


And what the hell was going on when Tony was in the coma and thought he was named Kevin Finnerty?


Who left the Ojibwe saying in his hospital room?


Then there’s the matter of the Russian in the widely beloved “Pine Barrens” episode, who disappears after being shot in the head.


Did he die, or is he still hiking up the Garden State Parkway, hoping to take revenge on Tony and his crew?


And what happens to Tony at the very end?


Is he killed by the man in the Members Only jacket, or does he go on to live in a purgatorial state of constant paranoia and vigilance?


We don’t know, and Chase hates it when we ask him.

