Scene 44 就医(在线收听

Scene 44 就医

❶ 我想知道挂号处在哪儿。I'd like to know where the registration office is.

同类表达 Where should I register? 我应该到哪儿去挂号?

I want to register. 我要挂号。

❷ 我该看哪个科的医生?What type of doctor should I see?

对话 A: What type of doctor should I see? 我该看哪个科的医生?

B: You need to see the physician. 你应该看内科。

❸ 这位医生今天已被预约了。The doctor is already booked today.

对话 A: Can I make an appointment with Doctor Smith this afternoon? 我能预约史密斯医生今天下午的时间吗?

B: Sorry, Doctor Smith is already booked today. 抱歉,史密斯医生今天已被预约了。

❹ 要等多久?How long will the wait be?

对话 A: How long will the wait be? 要等多久?

B: About one hour. 大约一个小时。

❺ 我约了医生四点钟看病。I have an appointment with the doctor at four o'clock.

对话 A: May I help you? 有什么可以帮您的吗?

B: I have an appointment with the doctor at four o'clock. 我约了医生四点钟看病。

❻ 医生在等你。The doctor is ready for you now.

对话 A: When can I see the doctor ? 我什么时候可以看医生?

B: Follow me, the doctor is ready for you now. 跟我来,医生在等你。

❼ 我的伤口需要缝针。My cut requires stitches.

对话 A: My cut requires stitches. 我的伤口需要缝针。

B: Okay, we will send a doctor for you. 好的,我们会为您安排一位医生。

❽ 我出疹子了。I've got a break-out.

同类表达 My skin is breaking out.

I think I've got a rash.

❾ 我吃火锅会拉肚子。I have diarrhea whenever I eat hot pot.

同类表达 I have loose bowels. 我拉肚子。

❿ 我发烧了。I feel feverish.

同类表达 I have a temperature.

I'm running a fever.
