Scene 105 约会(在线收听

Scene 105 约会

❶ 你今晚有空吗?Are you available tonight?

同类表达 Are you free tonight?

对话 A: Are you available tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

B: That depends on what do you want to do. 这就要看你想干什么了。

A: I want to have a date with you. 我想跟你约会。

❷ 我们去约会吧?Shall we go dating?

对话 A: Shall we go dating? 我们去约会吧?

B: Sorry, I have a date. 抱歉,我已经有约了。

❸ 我们几点见面?What time should we meet?

对话 A: What time should we meet? 我们几点见面?

B: It's up to you. 你来定吧。

❹ 我在老地方等你。I'll wait for you at the usual place.

对话 A: I'll wait for you at the usual place. 我在老地方等你。

B: Be there or be square. 不见不散。

❺ 我晚上有个约会。I have a date this evening.

对话 A: I'm going. 我走了。

B: Why do you so hurry today? 你今天怎么这么着急?

A: I have a date this evening. 我晚上有个约会。

❻ 我约会那天穿什么呢?What should I wear on my date?

对话 A: What should I wear on my date? 我约会那天穿什么呢?

B: Wear the clothes that express your personality. 穿能够表达你个性的衣服。

❼ 鲜花送给我最爱的女孩。Flowers for my favorite girl.

对话 A: What lovely flowers! To whom will you send? 好漂亮的鲜花!你打算送给谁?

B: Flowers for my favorite girl. 鲜花送给我最爱的女孩。

❽ 每次见到你,你都更漂亮。You look more beautiful every time I see you.

对话 A: You look more beautiful every time I see you. 每次见到你,你都更漂亮。

B: You are so sweet, honey. 亲爱的,你嘴巴真甜!

❾ 我想紧紧抱住你。I want to hold you tight.

对话 A: I want to hold you tight. 我想紧紧抱住你。

B: Me too. I don't want to leave you. 我也是。我不想离开你。

❿ 我没有和女孩子约会的经验。I have no experience in dating girls.
