Scene 116 相亲(在线收听) |
Scene 116 相亲 ❶ 很多人都不得不选择相亲。Many people have to choose blind dates. 对话 A: People are too busy nowadays. 现在的人们都太忙碌了。 B: Yes, they have to choose blind dates. 是的,他们不得不选择相亲。 ❷ 你接受相亲吗?Do you accept a blind date? 同类表达 What do you think about blind dates? 你怎么看待相亲? Are you OK with friends setting up a blind date for you? 朋友为你安排相亲你接受吗? ❸ 相亲让我感觉很糟。It makes me feel bad about myself to have blind dates. 对话 A: Why don't you go to the blind date I set you up with? 你为什么不去我给你安排好的相亲呢? B: It makes me feel bad about myself to have blind dates. I can't take it. 相亲让我感觉很糟,我接受不了。 ❹ 我相亲很多次了。I had blind dates many times. 对话 A: I had blind dates many times, but I haven't met my Mr. Right. 我相亲很多次了,一直没有遇到喜欢的人。 B: Take your time. You'll find the right man. 慢慢来,你会遇到对的人。 ❺ 明天我要去相亲,但是不知道穿什么好。I have a blind date tomorrow, but I don't know what to wear. 同类表达 I have to go shopping for a new dress. I've got a blind date tomorrow. 我得上街买条新裙子,我明天要去相亲。 ❻ 你是想让我当媒人,不是吗?You want me to play the matchmaker, don't you? ❼ 不要从外表去判断一个人。Don't judge a person by his looks. 同类表达 Just as the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. 俗话说得好,人不可貌相。 ❽ 他很挑。He is aiming too high. 对话 A: Is he still single now? 他现在还单身吗? B: Yes, he is aiming too high. 是的,他很挑剔。 ❾ 我和我女朋友是一个朋友介绍认识的。My girlfriend and I got hooked up through a friend. ❿ 有些人经相亲结婚后也会爱上彼此。Some arranged couples end up falling in love. |
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