Scene 119 环保(在线收听

Scene 119 环保

❶ 越 来 越 多 的 人 关 注 环 保。 More and more people pay attention to environmental protection.

对话 A: The climate is becoming worse and worse. 气候变得越来越糟了。

B: Yes, it's good that more and more people pay attention to environmental protection. 是啊,好在越来越多的人关注环保了。

❷ 人们需要知道环保的重要性。People should know how important the environmental protection is.

同类表达 People should be aware of the importance of environmental protection. 人们应该意识到环保的重要性。

❸ 你做了什么来帮助环保吗?Are you doing anything to help protecting the environment?

这样回答 I'm just trying to do my bit to protect the environment. 我只是尽我的一份力去保护环境。

❹ 我们应该节约能源。We should save energy.

对话 A: We should save energy. 我们应该节约能源。

B: Such as electricity, water and so on. 比如电、水等。

❺ 不要使用一次性物品。Don't use disposable things.

❻ 你应该把纸张、塑料送进回收中心。You should take paper and plastic to a recycling center.

对话 A: You should take paper and plastic to a recycling center. 你应该把纸张、塑料送进回收中心。

B: I see. 我知道了。

❼ 尽量购买环保制品。Buy environmentally friendly products whenever possible.

对话 A: We should buy environmentally friendly products whenever possible. 我们应该尽量购买环保制品。

B: Yes, we also need to save water. 是的,我们还需要节约用水。

❽ 大家可以多使用公共交通工具。We can use public transport more.

对话 A: We can use public transport more. 大家可以多使用公共交通工具。

B: I quite agree with you. It's more environment-friendly. 我非常同意,这更加环保。

❾ 如果非开车不可,那一定要用无铅汽油。If you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol.

❿ 有那么多人关注环境问题,可真是好事!It was fantastic to have so many people who care about the environment!
