Scene 125 明星(在线收听

Scene 125 明星

❶ 你追星吗?Do you follow a star?

对话 A: Do you follow a star?

B: Yes, I like Fan Bingbing. 是的,我喜欢范冰冰。

❷ 明星是很多人闲聊的话题。People talk about stars when they are free.

对话 A: People talk about stars when they are free. 明星是很多人闲聊的话题。

B: Yes, especially their rumors. 是的,尤其是他们的绯闻。

❸ 她有很多粉丝。She has a huge fan base.

同类表达 He is a rising teenager star. 他是当红的青少年明星。

对话 A: She is very famous. 她很有名。

B: Yes, she has a huge fan base. 是的,她有很多粉丝。

❹ 可以给我签个名吗?Can I have your autograph please?

同类表达 I really want to get his latest CD autographed. 我真想让他在新专辑上帮我签名。

❺ 谣言开始在网上疯传。The rumor starts to spread rapidly on the Internet.

同类表达 The rumor of the singer's divorce has gone viral on the Internet. 那位歌手离婚的消息在网上传疯了。

❻ 他是许多年轻人崇拜的偶像。He is the idol of many young people.

对话 A: He is the idol of many young people. 他是许多年轻人崇拜的偶像。

B: Including me. 包括我。

❼ 她荣获过奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。She won an Oscar award for outstanding supporting actress.

❽ 他俩一定是好莱坞最著名的明星情侣了。They must be the most famous celebrity couple in Hollywood.

同 类 表 达 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are the most sought- after celebrity couple in Hollywood. 布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉是好莱坞最受追捧的一对明星夫妻。

❾ 狗仔队对名人的私生活很感兴趣。Paparazzi have a special interest in private lives of famous people.

❿ 我有她所有的专辑。I have got all her albums.

对话 A: I can tell you are the die-heart fan of Beyonce. 看得出来你是碧昂斯的忠实粉丝。

B: Quite right. I have got all her albums. 说得太对了。我有她所有的专辑。
