Scene 126 娱乐(在线收听

Scene 126 娱乐

❶ 最近这个电视节目很受欢迎。The TV show is popular recently.

对话 A: The TV show is popular recently. 最近这个电视节目很受欢迎。

B: I heard many friends talk about it. 我听到很多朋友谈论了。

❷ 网络上的节目很好看。The online show is very interesting.

对话 A: Did you watch online show? 你看过网络上的节目吗?

B: Yes. The online show is very interesting. 嗯,网络上的节目很好看。

❸ 这些电视节目好无聊。These TV programs are really boring.

对话 A: These TV programs are really boring. 这些电视节目好无聊。

B: Then you can do something else for fun. 那你可以找点别的乐子。

❹ 你看昨晚的益智节目了吗? Did you see the quiz show last night?

对话 A: Did you see the quiz show last night? 你看昨晚的益智节目了吗?

B: Well, I stayed up to meet the deadline of a project yesterday. 我昨天熬夜赶项目了。

❺ 音乐现场节目是我的最爱。Live music shows are my favorite.

对话 A: Live music shows are my favorite. 音乐现场节目是我的最爱。

B: Me, too. I always can't help singing with the singer. 我也是。我总是忍不住跟歌手一起唱起来。

❻ 我觉得这节目需要一个新主持人。I think the show needs a new host.

对话 A: I think the show needs a new host. 我觉得这节目需要一个新主持人。

B: Yes, the host is dumb and can't follow the guest's pace. 是的,这个主持人很迟钝,无法跟上嘉宾的节奏。

❼ 我喜欢综艺节目。I like variety shows.

对话 A: I like variety shows. 我喜欢综艺节目。

B: It's a good choice to idle away leisure time. 这是打发休闲时间的一个不错的选择。

❽ 你最喜欢什么节目?What's your favorite TV Program?

对话 A: What's your favorite TV Program? 你最喜欢什么节目?

B: Animal World . 《动物世界》。

❾ 这些儿童节目真好看!These children's TV shows are fantastic!

对话 A: These children's TV shows are fantastic! 这些儿童节目真好看!

B: It seems your appetite suits the children's. 看来你的品位很适合孩子。

A: You mean I am naive? 你的意思是我很幼稚?

❿ 我喜欢看第五频道,它总是播世界各地的电影。I enjoy watching Channel 5. It always has movies from all over the world.
