Scene 127 网购(在线收听

Scene 127 网购

❶ 现在网购很流行。Now the online shopping is very popular.

对话 A: I can buy many things on the Internet since now the online shopping is very popular.


B: I don't like it. 我不喜欢网购。

❷ 网购很费钱。Shopping online wastes me lots of money.

对话 A: Do you like shopping online? 你喜欢网购吗?

B: Yes. But I find it wastes me lots of money. 是的,但是我发现网购很费钱。

❸ 手机购物流行起来了。Mobile shopping becomes popular.

对话 A: Mobile shopping becomes popular. 手机购物流行起来了。

B: Yeah, I bought a coat through my mobile yesterday. 是啊,我昨天还用手机买了一件外套。

❹ 网购时,你应该当心网络诈骗。You should be careful of the Internet scams while purchasing on the Internet.

❺ 点击上方图片可以看大图。Click the image above for a larger view.

对话 A: The image is too small. I can't see the toy clearly. 这个图片太小了,我看不清楚玩具的样子。

B: Click the image above for a larger view. 点击上方图片可以看大图。

❻ 不是每种物品在每个地区都有货。Not all items are available in all areas.

对话 A: Why can't I buy the pair of shoes in Beijing? 为什么我在北京买不到那双鞋?

B: Not all items are available in all areas. 不是每种物品在每个地区都有货。

❼ 包邮吗?Do you offer free shipping?

对话 A: Do you offer free shipping? 你们包邮吗?

B: Yes. When you spend more than 100 yuan , the shipping is free. 是的,超过100元就可免运费。

❽ 我不习惯在网上购物。I'm not used to shopping online.

对话 A: I'm not used to shopping online. 我不习惯在网上购物。

B: You will be because it's really convenient. 你会习惯的,因为网购真的很方便。

❾ 我在这家网站上发现了一双二手鞋。I found a pair of second-hand shoes on this site.

❿ 我购物车里的东西还没有完成付款。The payments of the items in the shopping cart haven't been fulfilled.

对话 A: Did you do a lot of shopping online? 你在网上买了很多东西吗?

B: The payments of the items in the shopping cart haven't been fulfilled. 我购物车里的东西还没有完成付款。
