Scene 164 球类运动(在线收听

Scene 164 球类运动

❶ 我对足球不是很在行。I am not very good at football.

同类表达 I'm no good at playing football. 我对踢足球不在行。

I am better at playing football. 我更擅长踢足球。

❷ 足球是我最喜爱的运动。Football is my favorite sport.

对话 A: Football is my favorite sport. 足球是我最喜爱的运动。

B: Same here. 我也是。

❸ 在所有运动中,我最喜欢篮球。Of all the sports, I like basketball best.

同类表达 I prefer basketball to football only because I like to see the slam dunks. 比起足球,我更喜欢篮球,只是因为我喜欢看扣篮。

对话 A: Do you play football? 你踢足球吗?

B: Yes. But of all the sports, I like basketball best. 是的。但在所有运动中,我最喜欢篮球。

❹ 我在比赛中投中了五球。I shot five baskets during the game.

同类表达 I shot at the basket five tunes.

❺ 我打网球健身。I play tennis for exercise.

对话 A: What do you like to do at the weekends? 周末你喜欢做什么?

B: I play tennis for exercise. 我打网球健身。

❻ 你知道怎么打排球吗?Do you know how to play volleyball?

这样回答 Sure, I like playing volleyball. 当然啦,我喜欢打排球。

I really do not know how to play volleyball. 我真不知道如何打排球。

❼ 我一星期至少打一次高尔夫。I play golf at least once a week.

对话 A: How many times do you play golf every week? 你每周打几次高尔夫?

B: I play golf at least once a week. 我一星期至少打一次。

❽ 我只是业余的高尔夫球手。I am just a casual golfer.

同类表达 I play golf only so-so. 我高尔夫打得一般。

I am a poor player. 我打得不怎么样。

I am an amateur. 我是一个业余爱好者。

❾ 被接杀了。It is a can of corn.

对话 A: Oh, god. It is a can of corn. 哦,天啊,被接杀了。

B: Bad luck. 运气不好。

❿ 想要赢我吗?尽管放马过来吧!Think you can beat me? Just bring it on!

对话 A: Think you can beat me? Just bring it on! 想要赢我吗?尽管放马过来吧!

B: I will win you over. 我会赢你的。
