Scene 167 海边(在线收听

Scene 167 海边

❶ 我从来没见过这么干净的白沙滩。I have never seen clean white sands like this.

❷ 这里的海水很温暖。The ocean is so warm here.

同类表达 The ocean here is so clear and calm. 这里的海水既清澈又平静。

对话 A: I like to spend my vacation here. 我喜欢在这里度假。

B: The ocean is so warm here. 这里的海水很温暖。

❸ 海边坐落着一座滨水棒球场。There is a waterfront baseball stadium by the sea.

对话 A: There is a waterfront baseball stadium by the sea. 海边坐落着一座滨水棒球场。

B: That's great. We can play there. 太棒了。我们可以在那玩。

❹ 这个海滩可以打沙排吗?Is the beach OK for beach volleyball?

对话 A: It's the first time I come to the beach. Is the beach OK for beach volleyball? 这是我第一次来海滩。这个海滩可以打沙排吗?

B: Yes, of course. 当然可以。

❺ 今天太合适冲浪了。Today is so perfect for surfing.

对话 A: Look at the waves. Today is so perfect for surfing. 看那海浪,今天太合适冲浪了。

B: Don't wait. Let's go. 别等了,我们走吧。

❻ 我喜欢捡贝壳。I like collecting shells.

对话 A: I like collecting shells. Each time I go to the beach, I'll bring many shells home. 我喜欢捡贝壳。每次去海边,我都会带很多贝壳回家。

B: Me, too. 我也是。

❼ 这里通常没有太多的海浪。There's usually not much surf here.

对话 A: There's usually not much surf here. 这里通常没有太多的海浪。

B: So it's quiet. 所以很安静。

❽ 我们能租艘小船去钓鱼吗?Can we rent a small boat and go fishing?

❾ 我们租把沙滩遮阳伞吧?Why don't we rent a beach umbrella?

同类表达 How about renting a beach umbrella? 我们租把沙滩遮阳伞怎么样?

❿ 我们的双脚都被清凉的海水弄湿了。Our feet are moistened by the cool sea water.

对话 A: Our feet are moistened by the cool sea water. 我们的双脚都被清凉的海水弄湿了。

B: It's a bit cold. 有点冷。
