Scene 174 泡温泉(在线收听

Scene 174 泡温泉

❶ 你想跟我去泡温泉吗?Would you like a hot spring bath with me?

对话 A: Would you like a hot spring bath with me? 你想跟我去泡温泉吗?

B: Sorry, I don't like it. 抱歉,我不喜欢。

❷ 我更喜欢冬天泡温泉。I prefer the hot spring in winter.

对话 A: I prefer the hot spring in winter. 我更喜欢冬天泡温泉。

B: Inner hot spring is just OK for me. 室内温泉对我来说就可以。

❸ 你泡过温泉吗?Have you ever taken a bath in hot spring before?

对话 A: Have you ever taken a bath in hot spring before? 你泡过温泉吗?

B: I've taken it for many times. 泡过很多次了。

❹ 这里泡温泉挺贵的。This hot spring bath charges a lot.

对话 A: This hot spring bath charges a lot. 这里泡温泉挺贵的。

B: Is there any extra charge? 还有任何额外费用吗?

A: I don't know. 我不知道。

❺ 我不喜欢在别人面前赤身裸体。I don't like being naked with other people.

对话 A: I don't like being naked with other people. 我不喜欢在别人面前赤身裸体。

B: No wonder you don't like the hot spring bath. 怪不得你不喜欢泡温泉。

❻ 泡温泉是个放松身体的好方法。It is a good way to relax yourself in hot spring.

同类表达 The hot spring bath has many advantages. 泡温泉有很多好处。

❼ 如果你有关节问题,泡温泉是好的。Hot spring bath is good if you have joint problems.

❽ 泡温泉后要冲洗一下。You have to rinse off after the hot spring bath.

对话 A: You have to rinse off after the hot spring bath. 泡温泉后要冲洗一下。

B: Thank you for your reminding. 谢谢您的提醒。

❾ 我们要泡多久?How long do we soak?

对话 A: How long do we soak? 我们要泡多久?

B: It is just beginning. I guess at least two hours. 才刚刚开始。我猜至少得两个小时。

❿ 据说日本的温泉很有名。It's said that the hot spring in Japan is very famous.
