Scene 222 促销(在线收听

Scene 222 促销

❶ 有什么促销活动吗?Do you have any promotions?

对话 A: Do you have any promotions? 有什么促销活动吗?

B: Sorry, they are new arrivals. 抱歉,这些是新品。

❷ 明天有大减价活动。There is a huge sale tomorrow.

对话 A: Let's go shopping. There is a huge sale tomorrow. 咱们去购物吧。明天有大减价活动。

B: I heard about that, too. 我也听说了。

❸ 我可以给你打九折。I can give you a 10% discount.

对话 A: The trousers are a little expensive for me. 这条裤子对我来说有点贵。

B: I can give you a 10% discount. 我可以给你打九折。

❹ 我们今天清仓大甩卖。We have a clearance sale today.

对话 A: Do you have discount now? 你们现在有折扣吗?

B: Yes. We have a clearance sale today. 是的,我们今天清仓大甩卖。

❺ 买一赠一。Buy one, get one free.

对话 A: What kind of promotion do you have now? 你们现在有什么促销活动?

B: Buy one, get one free. 买一赠一。

❻ 大甩卖是什么时候?When are the big sales?

对话 A: When are the big sales? 大甩卖是什么时候?

B: From June to July. 从六月到七月。

A: What about the winter? 冬季的呢?

B: That's in December. 在十二月。

❼ 买多一点有折扣吗?Can I get a discount if I buy more?

对话 A: Can I get a discount if I buy more? 买多一点有折扣吗?

B: The items are discounted. 这些已经打过折了。

❽ 如果您要买三件,我可以给您打七折。If you're buying three pieces, I can give you a 30% discount.

❾ 这真的很划算。It is a real bargain.

对话 A: We are offering a 20% discount now. 我们现在打八折。

B: It is a real bargain. 这真的很划算。

❿ 这款羊毛衫今天打折。The sweater is on sale today.

对话 A: The sweater is on sale today. 这款羊毛衫今天打折。

B: I want to try it on. 我想试穿一下。

A: OK. The fitting room is over there. 好的,试衣间在那里。
