Scene 243 订机票(在线收听

Scene 243 订机票

❶ 我要预订7月20号去纽约的机票。I want to reserve a seat to New York on July 20th.

同类表达 I'd like to make a reservation to London for tomorrow. 我想预订明天飞往伦敦的机票。

这样回答 I can give you a reservation on that. 我可以帮你预订那个航班的座位。

❷ 您想何时动身?When do you want to leave?

同类表达 When do you want to depart?

对话 A: When do you want to leave? 您想何时动身?

B: I want to leave on June 22nd. 我想6月22号动身。

❸ 星期天有去纽约的班机吗?Are there any planes to New York on Sunday?

同类表达 At what time does the next plane to London leave? 下一班去伦敦的飞机几点起飞?

❹ 单程还是往返?One way or round trip?

这样回答 I'll need an economy ticket with an open return. 我要一张回程时间不定的经济舱往返票。

❺ 我要一个头等舱的座位。I want a seat in first class.

同类表达 I'd like to travel first-class, please. 我要头等舱的机票,谢谢。

Round-trip ticket, business class, please. 我要商务舱的往返机票,谢谢。

❻ 是直达飞机吗?Is it nonstop?

同类表达 Will I need to change planes? 我需要转机吗?

❼ 往返票多少钱?How much is the round trip?

同类表达 The one-way ticket from Washington to Boston is $400. 从华盛顿到波士顿的单程票价为400美元。

❽ 机票钱里已经包含所有税了吗?Does the fare include all taxes?

对话 A: Does the fare include all taxes? 机票钱里已经包含所有税了吗?

B: No. You have to pay an extra 80 dollars. 没有。您还需要额外支付80美元。

❾ 从纽约到伦敦要飞多久?How long is the flight from New York to London?

这样回答 It'll take two or three hours. 大概要飞两三个小时。

About one hour, but it's sometimes longer. 需飞要一小时,但有时候会稍长一点。

❿ 我查下时刻表。I'll check the timetable.
