Scene 274 车辆问题(在线收听

Scene 274 车辆问题

❶ 汽车抛锚了。The car broke down.

对话 A: Oh, gosh! The car broke down. 哦,糟了!汽车抛锚了。

B: What a bad luck! 真倒霉!

A: We need to call for help. 我们需要打电话寻求帮助。

❷ 我的汽车开不动了。My car died on me.

对话 A: My car died on me. 我的汽车开不动了。

B: Don't worry. Maybe we can find someone to help you. 别担心,也许我们能找到人来帮助你。

❸ 车门上有一道刮痕。There is a scrape on the door.

对话 A: Why are you staring at the car door? 你盯着车门看什么呢?

B: There is a scrape on the door. 车门上有一道刮痕。

❹ 油箱漏油了。The petrol in the tank is leaking out.

对话 A: What's wrong? 怎么了?

B: The petrol in the tank is leaking out. 油箱漏油了。

❺ 我的前保险杠撞毁了。The front bumper of my car got smashed.

对话 A: The front bumper of my car got smashed. 我的前保险杠撞毁了。

B: Bad luck. 运气真不好。

❻ 空调现在只吹热风。The air conditioner only blows out hot air now.

对话 A: What's wrong with your car? 你的车怎么了?

B: The air conditioner only blows out hot air now. 空调现在只吹热风。

A: Let me check it first. 让我先检查一下。

❼ 我的车子撞了一个凹痕。I made a dent in my car.

对话 A: I made a dent in my car. 我的车子撞了一个凹痕。

B: Luckily you were not wounded. 好在你没有受伤。

❽ 尾灯不亮了。The taillight is out.

对话 A: The taillight is out. 尾灯不亮了。

B: You can park it here. 你可以把它停在这儿。

❾ 我的车窗摇不上来。My window won't come up anymore.

对话 A: My window won't come up anymore. 我的车窗摇不上来。

B: I think it's locked. 我觉得它是锁住了。

❿ 谢天谢地,我们有备用轮胎!Thank goodness we have a spare!

对话 A: Thank goodness we have a spare! 谢天谢地,我们有备用轮胎!

B: That's great! But I don't know how to settle it down. 太好了!但是我不知道怎样安装。
