Scene 280 跟团(在线收听

Scene 280 跟团

❶ 我们出发吧,好吗?Let's start our tour, OK?

这样回答 OK. I can't wait to see the attractions. 好的,我迫不及待地想看看景点了。

❷ 我们团中有多少人?How many members are there in our group?

对话 A: How many members are there in our group? 我们团中有多少人?

B: Sixteen. Six couples and four single ladies. 十六人。六对夫妇及四位单身女性。

❸ 巴士上不允许吸烟。Smoking is not permitted on the bus.

同类表达 You're not allowed to smoke in any indoor facilities during the tour. 在旅游期间,任何室内设施里都是禁止吸烟的。

❹ 请不要乱丢垃圾。Please do not litter.

同类表达 Don't feed the wildlife. 请不要喂野生动物。

❺ 你能给我看一下旅行线路手册吗?Can you show me a brochure for tour courses?

同类表达 May I know the schedule of the tour? 我能了解一下这次旅行的时间安排吗?

❻ 我们在何时何地集合?When and where will we get together?

同类表达 What time should we be back to the bus? 我们要什么时间回到车上来?

Do you meet us near the gate or in the square? 你是在门口附近还是在广场接我们?

这样回答 We are supposed to get together in front of the fountain in two hours. 我们两小时后在喷泉前集合。

❼ 请核对一下时间。Please check your watch.

同类表达 I forgot to take my watch with me. 我忘记带表了。

❽ 门票多少钱?How much is admission?

同类表达 How much does it cost to get in?

What's the price of admission?

❾ 今天这趟旅行我们要去参观什么?What do we see on this tour today?

这样回答 For the afternoon, we will tour the Empire State Building. 下午我们要去参观帝国大厦。

❿ 根据我们的行程安排,我们今天要去参观埃菲尔铁塔。According to our schedule, today we're going to visit Eiffel Tower.

同类表达 We'll first go to Eiffel Tower, then we'll go to Notre Dame de Paris. 我们首先去埃菲尔铁塔,然后去巴黎圣母院。
