Scene 283 拍照(在线收听

Scene 283 拍照

❶ 您能给我们照张相吗?Can you do us a favor to take a picture for us?

同类表达 Excuse me, would you please take a picture for us?

I wonder if you could help us with a picture.

❷ 你愿意和我合个影吗?Would you mind posing with me?

同类表达 May I take a photo with you? 我能和你照张相吗?

I'm wondering if you could take a picture with me. 请问我能和你合张影吗?

May I take a picture of you? 我能给您照张相吗?

❸ 这里可以拍照吗?Can I take a picture here?

对话 A: Can I take a picture here? 这里可以拍照吗?

B: No. You can't, sir. 先生,不可以。

❹ 对不起,先生。游客禁止在此处拍照。Sorry, sir. Tourists are prohibited from taking photos here.

同类表达 It's forbidden to take photos within the gallery. 美术馆内禁止拍照。

❺ 请把花坛作为背景。Please take the flower bed as the background.

同类表达 Give me the landscape of the mountain for the background. 用山景作为背景。

❻ 请往前站点儿。Step forward a little.

同类表达 Could you please stand close to the sculpture? 您站得离雕像近一些好吗?

Everybody, get closer. 大家靠近些。

❼ 请关掉闪光灯。Please keep the flash off.

同类表达 Remember to turn off the flash. 记着关掉闪光灯。

I'll need a flash for this shot. 我拍这张照片得开闪光灯。

❽ 按相机顶部的键,您就能帮我照相了。Press the button on the top of the camera, and you can take a photo for me.

同类表达 Just press this button. 按这个按钮就可以了。

I don't know how to use this camera. 我不知道怎么操作这架相机。

❾ 请笑一笑。Say“Cheese”.

同类表达 Give me a big smile. 大笑一下。

❿ 我照相机里的电池好像出毛病了。Something seems wrong with the battery in my camera.

同类表达 The battery has run down. 电池没电了。
