Scene 284 文化差异(在线收听

Scene 284 文化差异

❶ 美国被称为民族和文化的“大熔炉”。America is known as an ethnic and cultural“melting pot”.

同类表达 America has always been a nation of immigrants. 美国一直是由移民所组成的国家。

❷ 我们的文化差异非常大。Our cultures are very diverse.

对话 A: Our cultures are very diverse. 我们的文化差异非常大。

B: Could you give me an example? 能举个例子吗?

❸ 每种文化的吃饭礼仪都大不一样。Dinning etiquette differs widely from culture to culture.

同类表达 In some cultures it is not polite to talk at the dinner table. 在某些文化里,吃饭时说话很不礼貌。

❹ 你对文化差异怎么看?What do you think of the culture differences?

这样回答 Culture differences sometimes can lead to misunderstandings. 文化差异有时会引发误会。

❺ 你了解埃及的习俗吗?Do you know any customs of Egypt?

这样回答 Not much. 不太了解。

❻ 有些文化认为在公众场合擤鼻涕是让人厌恶的行为。Some cultures find it disgusting to blow your nose in public.

❼ 该风俗对当地人非常重要。This custom is very important to the locals.

同类表达 This custom is weighing too much for the locals. 该风俗对当地人而言意义重大。

❽ 该风俗源于一个传说。This custom originated in a legend.

对话 A: Could you please tell me something about this custom? 你能给我讲讲这个风俗吗?

B: This custom originated in a legend. 该风俗源于一个传说。

❾ 当地人将月食视为一种凶兆。The local people regard the lunar eclipse as a bad omen.

❿ 鹰是他们民族文化的象征。Eagle is the symbol of their national culture.

同类表达 Dragon is a god in their national culture. 龙在他们的民族文化中是神。
