Scene 285 异国风情(1)(在线收听

Scene 285 异国风情(1)

❶ 我想领略一下好莱坞的风光。I'd like to see the sights of Hollywood.

同类表达 You can meet many movie stars in Hollywood. 在好莱坞你能遇到很多电影明星。

❷ 好莱坞是世界电影业的中心。Hollywood is the heart of world's motion picture industry.

同类表达 Hollywood is one of the cultural centers of America. 好莱坞是美国的文化中心之一。

❸ 纽约的自由女神像于1886年开放。The Statue of Liberty in New York was opened in 1886.

同类表达 The Statue of Liberty was originally designed and constructed in France. 自由女神像最开始是在法国设计和建造的。

❹ 这个纪念堂是为纪念林肯总统而建造的。This memorial was built in memory of President Lincoln.

同类表达 Lincoln memorial is regarded as the symbol of Washington. 林肯纪念堂被视为华盛顿的标志。

❺ 这是一座哥特式建筑。This building is in Gothic style.

同类表达 The Gothic style makes the building very stable and firm. 哥特式的建筑风格让整个建筑物看起来非常牢固。

❻ 加拿大西部是著名的洛基山脉。The west of Canada is the famous Rocky Mountains.

同类表达 A train riding through the Rockies is spectacular. 乘火车穿过洛基山脉时风景很壮观。

❼ 班夫地区和路易斯湖的风景极为美丽。The Banff area and Lake Louise are especially scenic.

同类表达 Lake Louise is truly a paradise. 路易斯湖真是一个天堂。

Hikers stop to take the majestic view overlooking Lake Louise. 徒步旅行者驻足俯瞰路易斯湖的壮观景色。

❽ 斯坦利公园是一片城市中心的绿洲。Stanley Park is an oasis in the center of the city.

❾ 温哥华美丽多山。Vancouver is mountainous and beautiful.

同类表达 Vancouver is a friendly place, which may be due in part to its diversity. 温哥华是一个友好的地方,部分原因可能是由于它的多元性。

❿ 我们可以吃到许多美味的海鲜。We can get a lot of delectable seafood dishes.
