Scene 287 买纪念品(在线收听

Scene 287 买纪念品

❶ 我想买些纪念品。I'd like to buy some souvenirs.

同类表达 I want to bring back some souvenirs for my friends. 我想给我的朋友们带一些纪念品回去。

对话 A: Can I help you? 有什么可以帮您的吗?

B: I'd like to buy some souvenirs. 我想买些纪念品。

❷ 你能推荐一些我应该从这个国家买的纪念品吗?Can you recommend some souvenirs that I should buy from this country?

同类表达 Are there any souvenirs that are really worth buying? 有没有真正值得购买的纪念品啊?

❸ 我在找有本地特色的东西。I'm looking for something with a local flavor.

同类表达 Are they specialties of Greece? 这是希腊的特产吗?

I'm looking for something special made in this country. 我想买本地特有的商品。

❹ 请帮我包成礼物。I'd like it to be wrapped as a gift.

同类表达 Would you please wrap it up for me? 能帮我包一下吗?

❺ 您想要精美包装吗?Do you want elaborate wrapping?

这样回答 Sure. Thank you so much. 当然,十分感谢。

❻ 你能在附近市场中找到各种各样的纪念品。You can find various souvenirs in the nearby market.

同类表达 There are all kinds of souvenirs in the market near here. 这附近的市场里有各种纪念品。

❼ 这个吉祥物太可爱了。This mascot is so cute.

同类表达 It's entirely hand-made with wonderful workmanship. 这是地地道道的手工制品,工艺精湛。

❽ 我在这儿买什么好呢?What am I supposed to buy here?

这样回答 You should buy something with a local flavor. 你可以买带有当地特色的东西。

❾ 我发现很难决定合适的图案,您能帮我选一个吗?I found it difficult to decide on the right design. Can you help me to choose one?

这样回答 If I were you, I would choose the plaid one. 如果我是你,我会选择格子图案的。

❿ 你可以买些在你们国家买不到的东西。You could buy something you can't buy in your own country.

同类表达 What do you think I should buy? 你觉得我应该买什么?
