Scene 291 物品遗失(在线收听

Scene 291 物品遗失

❶ 我不知道我把它丢哪儿了。I have no idea where I lost it.

同类表达 I don't know where I lost it.

对话 A: I can't find my mobile phone. I have no idea where I lost it. 我的手机找不到了,我不知道我把它丢哪儿了。

B: What does it look like? 它长什么样?

❷ 我根本不记得了。I don't remember at all.

同类表达 Where did you take your purse last time? 你最后一次带钱包是在什么时候?

I've looked everywhere. 我已经找遍了每个角落。

❸ 我想我把护照弄丢了。I think I lost my passport.

这样回答 I really hope you are kidding. 我真希望你是在开玩笑。

❹ 在你拿到新护照之前你不能离开这个国家。You are not able to leave the country until you get a new passport.

同类表达 Getting a passport replaced usually takes a few days. 取得新护照通常需要几天时间。

❺ 我们给城市交通失物招领处打电话登记一下吧。Let's call Lost and Found Office of the city transit and make a registration.

❻ 我回去找了也没有找到。I didn't find it when I came back.

同类表达 I left my bag here but it was gone when I came back. 我把包放在这里,但我回来它就不见了。

这样回答 Are you sure you didn't have it someplace else? 你确定你没有把它放在其他地方吗?

❼ 也许有人拿错了我的包。Maybe someone took my bag by mistake.

对话 A: Maybe someone took my bag by mistake. 也许有人拿错了我的包。

B: That's impossible. 那不可能。

❽ 我在这里购物的时候好像遗失了我的钱包。I seem to have lost my purse while l was shopping here.

同类表达 I lost my handbag somewhere. 我把手提包弄丢了。

❾ 我要回酒店房间看一眼。I'll go back to the hotel room and have a look.

同类表达 I remember I've left my passport in the hotel room. 我记得把我的护照落在酒店房间了。

❿ 我因为疏忽丢了钱包。I lost my wallet because of carelessness.

同类表达 I left my bag in the restaurant. 我把包落在餐厅了。
