Scene 303 童年游戏(在线收听

Scene 303 童年游戏

❶ 我喜欢沙包游戏。I like the game of beanbag.

对话 A: What's your favorite game? 你最喜欢的游戏是什么?

B: I like the game of beanbag best. 我最喜欢沙包游戏了。

❷ 我们在上课前猜个谜语好吗?Let's guess a riddle before our class, OK?

同类表达 I could not solve the riddle. 我猜不出这个谜。

❸ 让我们开始玩捉迷藏的游戏吧。Let's begin to play hide-and-seek.

同类表达 Go ask her whether she wants to join us to play hide-and-seek. 去问问她愿不愿意跟我们一起玩捉迷藏。

❹ 她在跳绳。She is skipping rope.

❺ 我们猜拳决定谁先。Let's decide who does it first by rock-paper-scissors.

❻ 我倒立给你看。Look at me doing a handstand.

同类表达 I could do a handstand for five minutes. 我能倒立五分钟。

❼ 你能翻筋斗吗?Can you do a somersault?

这样回答 I could do that when I was a kid. But it's a little hard for me now. 我小时候会,现在做有点难。

❽ 我数到五,然后我们就开始。I shall count up to five and then we can begin.

同类表达 When I count to three, you jump, alright? 我数到三,你们就跳,好吗?

❾ 小辛迪喜欢用吸管往水里吹泡泡。Little Cindy likes to blow bubbles into water through a straw.

同类表达 I loved to put my face in the water and blow bubbles when I was a child. 我小时候喜欢把脸埋在水里吹泡泡。

❿ 那个调皮的男孩把他同桌弄哭了。The naughty boy made his deskmate cry.

对话 A: The naughty boy made his deskmate cry. 那个调皮的男孩把他同桌弄哭了。

B: Oh, again? I really need to call his parents to come over. 哦,又弄哭了?我真的要把他家长叫来了。
