Scene 305 孩子表现(在线收听

Scene 305 孩子表现

❶ 您儿子总是与其他学生打架。Your son always gets into fights with other students.

对话 A: Can you explain what happened? 你能解释一下发生什么事情了吗?

B: Your son always gets into fights with other students. 您儿子总是与其他学生打架。

❷ 您儿子因行为问题被留校察看。Your son has been put on probation for behavior.

同类表达 Your son has been suspended. 您的儿子被勒令退学了。

Your son has been kicked out of school. 您的儿子被学校开除了。

❸ 请告诉我我女儿与同学相处得怎么样。Please keep me posted on how my daughter is doing with her classmates.

这样回答 Your daughter is a likeable person. 您的女儿很受人欢迎。

Your daughter gets along well with her classmates. 您的女儿和她同学相处得很愉快。

❹ 您儿子的注意力有问题。Your son has problems paying attention.

同类表达 Your son doesn't pay attention. 您的儿子注意力不集中。

❺ 我们能不能制订一个计划来解决这个问题?Can we set up a plan to solve the problem?

同类表达 What can his father and I do to help? 我和他爸爸能做点什么?

❻ 您的儿子在班上非常爱捣乱。Your son is very disruptive in class.

同类表达 Your son is very naughty. 您的儿子非常淘气。

❼ 您的儿子不听话。Your son doesn't follow directions.

同类表达 Your son doesn't follow instructions. 您的儿子违反规定。

❽ 如果您有任何关于您孩子的问题,请尽管联系我。Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your child.

同类表达 Could you fill me in on what the problem is? 你能具体告诉我有什么问题吗?

❾ 发生了一点意外。There has been an accident.

同类表达 There is a problem at school. 在学校出了点问题。

❿ 您儿子会带回家一份通知对情况进行说明。A note explaining the situation was sent home with your son.

同类表达 Please sign the note and have your son bring it back to school. 请在通知上签字并让您儿子带回学校。
