Scene 307 上中学(在线收听

Scene 307 上中学

❶ 你是一年级学生还是二年级学生?Are you a freshman or a sophomore?

这样回答 I am a junior. 我是高三的学生。

❷ 老师点名了吗?Did the teacher check the attendance?

对话 A: Did the teacher check the attendance? 老师点名了吗?

B: Of course. Don't you know that he checks the attendance every Friday? 当然了,你不知道他每周五都点名吗?

❸ 你如果旷课三次,成绩就会被记作F。You'll get an F if you miss the class three times.

对话 A: You'll get an F if you miss the class three times. 你如果旷课三次,成绩就会被记作F。

B: That was close. I only have one chance. 太险了,我还剩一次机会。

❹ 我今天逃课了。I played hooky today.

同类表达 I skipped class today.

❺ 放学后我们出去玩会儿吧?Why don't we hang out a little after school?

对话 A: Why don't we hang out a little after school? 放学后我们出去玩会儿吧?

B: Great, I'll meet you at the school gate! 好,学校门口见!

❻ 课间的时候你来找我。Come to me during the break.

同类表达 Let's play on the exercise bar during the break! 我们课间去玩健身器吧!

❼ 老师让你去他的办公室。The teacher asked you to come to his office.

对话 A: The teacher asked you to come to his office. 老师让你去他的办公室。

B: Do you know for what? 你知道为什么吗?

❽ 请出示你的学生证。Please show me your student identification.

同类表达 Please give me your student card. 请出示你的学生证。

Please leave your student ID here. 请把学生证留在这儿。

❾ 说实话,我讨厌上学。To tell you the truth, I hate school.

❿ 我今天学校有报告要做。I have a presentation at school today.

对话 A: What's the hurry? It is so early. 着什么急啊?还早着呢。

B: I have a presentation at school today. 我今天学校有报告要做。
