Scene 323 留学(在线收听

Scene 323 留学

❶ 我想去加拿大深造学习。I want to further my study in Canada.

同类表达 I hope you can study well there. 我希望你能在那里学业有成。

❷ 我需要参加什么考试吗?Do I need to take any tests?

同类表达 How many of them admitted you? 其中多少所大学录取了你?

❸ 我觉得我克服不了文化冲击。I don't think I can go over culture shock.

同类表达 Cultural differences can really cause misunderstandings. 文化差异真的会造成误解。

No matter how perfect your English is, learning local culture and customs is definitely a lesson that cannot be skipped. 无论你的英语有多好,学习当地的文化和习俗肯定是不可忽视的一课。

❹ 去国外留学需要签证吗?Do I need a visa to study abroad?

同类表达 What do I need to do if I want to study abroad? 如果我想出国留学我需要做什么?

❺ 现在我在学习准备雅思考试。I'm studying for the IELTS now.

同类表达 TOEFL and IELTS are very different. 托福和雅思是很不一样的。

❻ 你的学生签证办下来了吗?Have you got your student visa approved?

对话 A: Have you got your student visa approved? 你的学生签证办下来了吗?

B: Not yet. I'm afraid that I would be refused. 还没有,我担心会被拒签。

❼ 很多大学会提供奖学金给符合资格的学生。Many universities offer scholarships if students can meet certain requirements.

同类表达 Online applications are available for this particular scholarship. 这类奖学金可以线上申请。

❽ 这份申请需要推荐函吗?Are letters of recommendation needed for this application?

这样回答 You'd better prepare one. 你最好准备一份。

❾ 我担心我的平均成绩不够高。I am afraid that my GPA is not high enough.

同类表达 I think your test scores are good enough to apply for this college. 我认为你的考试成绩够资格申请这所大学。

❿ 如有需要,你可以申请学生贷款。You can apply for a student loan if you need.

同类表达 It's beyond my parents' means to finance me through the college education. 我父母没有能力资助我上完大学。
