Scene 339 社团(在线收听

Scene 339 社团

❶ 我对加入学生社团有兴趣。I'm interested in joining a student organization.

同类表达 Which club are you interested in? 你对哪个社团感兴趣?

❷ 我想知道学校都有什么俱乐部?I am curious about what all of the clubs on campus are.

同类表达 I think that there are few organizations for students in our school to choose. 我觉得我们学校可供学生选择的社团很少。

❸ 你知道社团纳新是什么时候吗?Do you know when the clubs are going to recruit?

同类表达 How many clubs have you taken part in? 你已经参加了几个社团了?

How many organizations are you involved in? 你加入了几个社团?

❹ 我被邀请加入足球俱乐部。I got asked to join the Soccer Club.

同类表达 You should pick a student organization where you can learn while having fun. 你应该选择一个能让你学到东西又有趣的学生社团。

❺ 电影俱乐部都有什么活动?What activities does the Movie Club have?

同类表达 Would you care to sign up for the Movie Club? 你愿意加入电影社团吗?

❻ 我认为加入小说俱乐部会花费我太多时间。I think joining the Novel Club will cost me much time.

同类表达 She spent most of her time organizing activities in a club. 她花费了大部分的时间在组织社团活动上。

❼ 学生社团是认识新朋友的好方式。Student associations are a great way to meet new people.

❽ 别犹豫了,快来加入我们的编剧班。Don't hesitate to join our Playwriting Class!

同类表达 Joining our Dancing Club is a good choice. 加入我们舞蹈俱乐部是一个很好的选择。

❾ 如果你也认为图书是财富,图书俱乐部就是你的最佳选择。A Book Club is for the students who think books are a treasure.

同类表达 If you like reading, you should choose the Book Club with no turning back. 如果你喜欢阅读,你就应该义无反顾地选择图书俱乐部。

❿ 我想参加啦啦队的招募。I want to try out for the new cheering squad.

同类表达 It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to be a good cheerleader. 要成为一名出色的啦啦队长,要付出很多的时间、努力和耐心。
