Scene 342 结束学业(在线收听

Scene 342 结束学业

❶ 你还要修多少学分才能毕业?How many credits have you left until graduation?

❷ 我选了日语,可以得四个学分。I have taken Japanese for four credits.

对话 A: Which course did you take? 你选了哪一门课?

B: I have taken Japanese for four credits. 我选了日语,可以得四个学分。

❸ 我的学分不够,没法毕业。I failed to earn enough credits to graduate.

❹ 你的毕业论文写得怎么样了?How's your graduation thesis going?

这样回答 It's almost finished. 快写完了。

❺ 约翰已经把论文交给导师了。John has submitted his thesis to his advisor.

对话 A: I haven't finished my opening report. 我还没有完成我的开题报告呢。

B: John has submitted his thesis to his advisor. You should hurny up! 约翰已经把论文交给导师了。你得抓紧了。

❻ 大家首先需要提交一份提纲、一份初稿,然后才是最终的论文。You need to submit an outline, a rough draft and then the final paper.

❼ 我拿到了学士学位。I got a bachelor's degree.

同类表达 She got a bachelor's degree in management. 她获得了管理学士学位。

He majored in English and got a master's degree. 他专修英语,并获得了英语硕士学位。

❽ 恭喜你完成学业!Congratulations on finishing school!

对话 A: Congratulations on finishing school. 恭喜你完成学业!

B: Thanks. There is still a long way to go. 谢谢,未来还有很长的路要走。

❾ 下周我们要去一家公司实习。We'll take a field trip to a company next week.

同类表达 The term of the practice is fixed at two months. 这次实习时间定为两个月。

We will go on a field trip to hospital. 我们将去医院实习。

❿ 你毕业后有什么计划吗?Do you have any plans after graduation?

同类表达 What will you do after graduation from college? 大学毕业后你准备做什么?

这样回答 I want to take a trip first, and then I will go for a job I like. 我想先去旅行,然后找个自己喜欢的工作。
