Scene 343 毕业(在线收听

Scene 343 毕业

❶ 我的学生时代有很多美好回忆。I have many good memories from my school days.

同类表达 I will cherish all the memories about my college life. 我将珍惜大学生活所有的记忆。

❷ 现在该照毕业照了。It's time to take a graduation picture.

❸ 简应该会作为学生代表在毕业典礼上发言。Jane is supposed to make a speech as the student representative in the commencement ceremony.

同类表达 Jane is invited to make a speech in the commencement ceremony. 简受邀在毕业典礼上发言。

❹ 我到哪里领学位帽和学位袍呢?Where can I get my cap and gown?

同类表达 She is returning her cap and gown. 她在归还学位帽和学位袍。

Remember to bring your academic gown. 记得拿上你的学位袍。

❺ 我听说你是以全班第一名的成绩毕业的。I heard you graduated first in your class.

同类表达 I heard you got a full scholarship. 我听说你获得了全额奖学金。

She is granted a full scholarship for this semester. 她这学期获得了全额奖学金。

❻ 我们办了一个很棒的毕业派对。We had a great graduation party.

同类表达 Where should we have the graduation party? 我们在哪里举办毕业派对?

❼ 我们在毕业聚会上互相拥抱并且互相告别。We hugged each other and exchange farewells with each other at the graduation party.

❽ 祝你今后一切顺利!Good luck in your future!

同类表达 Congratulations on your graduation. 恭喜你毕业了。

Wish you a future filled with success. 愿你的未来满载成功。

❾ 我们祝福我们的学校未来更美好。We wish our school a more brilliant future.

同类表达 There's no doubt that we hold deep feelings for our old school. 毫无疑问,我们对母校有着深厚的感情。

❿ 我终于毕业了,再也不用参加考试了。I finally graduated from school and I don't have to take exams any more.

同类表达 My mother was filled with joy during my graduation ceremony. 毕业典礼上,我的母亲无比高兴。
