Scene 345 租房需求(在线收听

Scene 345 租房需求

❶ 您的要求是什么?What are your requirements?

同类表达 What is your price range? 您的价格范围是多少?

这样回答 We'd like to rent an apartment which is close to the subway station. 我们想租一个离地铁站比较近的公寓。

❷ 我想要有家具的房子。I want to rent a furnished house.

同类表达 What kind of furniture do you like? 您喜欢什么样的家具?

Is it furnished? 有家具吗?

❸ 有没有靠近学校的单间公寓?Are there any studio apartments close to the campus?

同类表达 What kind of apartment do you have? 有什么类型的公寓?

I'm looking for a studio near the campus. 我想找离校园近一些的单人房。

❹ 公寓必须离学校近。The apartment should be close to the university.

同类表达 What kind of place do you want to rent? 您想要租什么样的房子?

❺ 我想要一套有两间卧室和一个厨房的公寓。I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen.

同类表达 I'd like to rent either a studio or a one-bedroom apartment. 我想租一套单间公寓或是一房一厅的公寓。

I want a two-bedroom house. 我想要两居室的房子。

❻ 通勤时间短的好呢,还是租金便宜的好呢?Which is better, shorter commuting time or lower rent?

❼ 我想要租一间便宜的公寓。I'm trying to rent a cheap apartment.

同类表达 I'm trying to spend $100 for a studio. 我打算用100美元租一间单人房。

❽ 我不介意四十分钟的路程。I don't mind a forty-minute commute.

同类表达 I'm not worried about the size of the apartment. 我不在意房子的大小。

❾ 房子在闹市区你们介意吗?Do you mind if it's in a noisy area?

这样回答 We prefer to live in a quiet street. 我们更想住在安静地段。

❿ 我们能去看看房吗?Can we go to have a look at it?

同类表达 Can we take a look at this apartment? 我们可以去看看这间公寓吗?

We'd like to see it before making a final decision. 在做最终决定之前我们想去看看。
