Scene 350 合租(在线收听

Scene 350 合租

❶ 我要找一位室友。I'm looking for a roommate.

同类表达 Do you know if there is anybody looking for a roommate? 你知道有谁在找人合租吗?

I want to share the rent. 我想找人合租。

❷ 我和其他两个人一起合租的。I share an apartment with another two people.

同类表达 I'm looking for a roommate to share the rent. 我正在找一个室友来和我共同分担房租。

❸ 我想找不抽烟的室友。I want a non-smoking roommate.

同类表达 An English-speaking roommate would be great. 说英文的室友就太棒了。

❹ 我希望我的室友是女的。I prefer my roommate to be a female.

同类表达 Race and gender don't matter. 种族和性别没关系。

❺ 我希望我的室友爱干净并且安静。I want a roommate who is clean and quiet.

同类表达 Anyone who rooms with me needs to be neat. 任何和我共住的人必须爱整洁。

❻ 既然我住主卧,我就付65%的房租吧。Since I take the master bedroom, I

will pay 65% of the rent.

同类表达 We can split the bill to 50/50. 我们可以均摊房租。

❼ 今天轮到你打扫卫生了。You are on duty to do the cleaning today.

同类表达 Let's do the chores in turn, OK? 我们轮流做家务,好吗?

Who will be responsible for daily activities such as household chores and paying the bills? 谁负责像做家务、付账单这些琐碎的日常杂务?

❽ 你觉得和室友住怎么样?How do you like living with a roommate?

同类表达 Do you get along well with your roommate? 你和室友相处得还好吧?

What is your roommate like? 你室友怎么样?

❾ 我和我的室友相处得还不错。I get along well with my roommate.

同类表达 My roommate is really noisy. 我的室友很吵。

My roommate mainly keeps to himself. 我的室友几乎不与人来往。

❿ 跟人合租真的能节省房租。Living with a roommate really cuts down on rent.

同类表达 I believe renting an apartment together is a good choice for young people to save money. 我觉得合租公寓对于年轻人来说是一个能省钱的好选择。
