Scene 365 面试准备(在线收听

Scene 365 面试准备

❶ 明天的面试准备得怎么样了?How is your preparation for tomorrow's interview?

❷ 你需要确保自己了解那家公司以及他们所提供的产品或服务。You need to make sure you know the company and what services or products it provides.

这样回答 Their major products are laptops and they sell well at home and abroad. 他们的主要产品是笔记本电脑,而且在国内外卖得都很好。

❸ 你对公司的了解越多,你推销自己的机会就越多。The more you know about the company, the more chances you have of selling yourself.

❹ 我不知道明天应该穿哪一套套装。I have no idea which suit I should wear tomorrow.

同类表达 What should I wear for my interview tomorrow? 我明天面试该穿什么呢?

❺ 面试不要迟到。Don't be late for your interview.

对话 A: Don't be late for your interview. 面试不要迟到。

B: OK. I'll sure be on time. 好的,我肯定会准时的。

❻ 这是我第一次面试,我有些紧张。It is my first interview. And I am kind of nervous.

❼ 表现出热情和自信。Show enthusiasm and demonstrate confidence.

同类表达 Even though you may feel nervous, speak distinctly in a confident voice. 即使你可能感到紧张,也要口齿清晰、语气自信。

❽ 不要错过推销你自己的机会。Don't miss the chance to market yourself.

同类表达 Be prepared to market your skills and experience. 准备好推销你的技能和经验。

❾ 要完整地回答问题,并切入要点。Answer questions fully and get into the point.

同类表达 Give examples that highlight your skills and strengths. 举一些能够突出你的技能和优势的例子。

❿ 你有面试成功的诀窍吗?Do you have any tips for a successful interview?

这样回答 Being confident and cool in the interview is very important. 在面试中表现得自信、冷静非常重要。
