Scene 371 性格特点(在线收听

Scene 371 性格特点

❶ 你觉得自己是什么样的人?What kind of person do you think you are?

这样回答 Generally speaking, I am an open-minded person. 总的说来,我是个思想开放的人。

❷ 你的个性是什么样的?What is your character?

同类表达 What kind of character do you think you have? 你认为自己是什么性格的人?

What is your strongest trait? 你最大的特点是什么?

❸ 我是个诚实、灵活的人。I am honest and flexible.

同类表达 I believe I'm imaginative and creative. 我认为本人富有想象力和创造力。

❹ 我这个人比较随和。I'm easygoing.

对话 A: What personality do you have? 你是什么样的性格?

B: I'm easygoing. 我这个人比较随和。

❺ 你认为你性格内向还是外向?Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

同类表达 Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? 你会形容自己是一个外向还是更保守一些的人?

❻ 我是个相当外向的人。I am quite outgoing.

对话 A: You seem to be a very introverted person? 你似乎是个很内向的人?

B: In fact, I am quite outgoing. 事实上,我是个相当外向的人。

❼ 我说话很坦率。I'm quite outspoken.

对话 A: How do you describe yourself? 你如何描述你自己?

B: I'm quite outspoken. 我说话很坦率。

❽ 我想我有点儿害羞。I think I'm somewhat on the shy side.

同类表达 I seldom talk much. 我不大爱讲话。

I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. 我恐怕不善言谈。

❾ 我非常积极而且充满活力。I'm quite active and energetic.

同类表达 I am cheerful and friendly. 我是乐观友好的。

❿ 我喜欢与别人在一起工作。I enjoy working with others.

同类表达 I enjoy mixing and doing things with others. 我喜欢和别人一起共事。
