Scene 378 职位资格(在线收听

Scene 378 职位资格

❶ 我们为什么要雇用你?Why should we hire you?

同类表达 Why do you think we should give you the job? 你为什么认为我们会提供给你这份工作?

❷ 我认为我的英语足以应付初级秘书的所有工作。I think my English is good enough to do all the duties of a junior secretary.

这样提问 Do you think you could handle telephone calls in English? 你认为你能用英语打电话吗?

❸ 你为什么认为自己是这个职位的最佳人选?Why do you think you are the best person for this job?

这样回答 Because I think my major is suitable for this position. 因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。

❹ 你认为你能为这份工作带来什么?What do you think you would bring to the job?

这样回答 I know a lot about how the oversea market works and how business is done. 我非常了解海外市场如何运转,交易如何完成。

❺ 你能告诉我,作为秘书须具备什么样的重要素质吗?Would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain?

同类表达 What skills do you think a person who does this job needs? 你认为做这份工作的人应该具备哪些技能?

❻ 作为秘书应该工作仔细,辅助经理的部分日常工作。As a secretary, one should work cautiously and assist with some of manager's ordinary work.

❼ 你认为这份工作中哪个方面最重要?What aspect of this job do you think is the most important one?

同类表达 What do you think is the most important qualification of this position? 你认为这个职位最重要的资质是什么?

❽ 选择工作最重要的就是兴趣。The most important thing of choosing a job is the interest.

同类表达 Interest is the best motivation to do a job well. 兴趣是做好一份工作的最佳推动力。

❾ 我关注的是一个公司的氛围。The atmosphere of a company is what I concern.

❿ 旅游顾问的职责是为游客们制订行程安排。The duty of a travel consultant is to make the scheduling for travelers.
