英语场景口语大全 Scene 380 离职原因(在线收听

Scene 380 离职原因

❶ 为什么你想辞去现在的工作呢?Why do you want to leave your current


同类表达 Why did you leave your last job? 你为什么辞掉上一份工作?

What's the reason why you left your current job? 你辞去现在这份工作的原因是什么?

❷ 为什么想换工作?Why do you want to change the job?

这样回答 I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible. 我在一


❸ 我的合同期快满了。My employment contract is almost up.

同类表达 My employment contract is about to expire. 我的合同快到期了。

❹ 我失去了原来那份工作是由于那家公司倒闭了。I lost my previous

employment on account of closedown of the firm.

❺ Didn't you like your current work? 你不喜欢现在这份工作吗?

同类表达 If you're very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave? 如果你对现


这样回答 I really like my current work, but I want to look for more challenges. 我真的很喜


❻ 我离开上家公司是因为公司裁员。I left the company due to the downsizing

of the company.

对话 A: Why do you want to change your job? 你为什么要换工作?

B: I left the company due to the downsizing of the company. 我离开上家公司是因为公司裁


❼ 那份工作和我的专业不对口。That work is out of my field.

同类表达 I hope to apply my professional knowledge. 我希望可以运用我的专业知识。

❽ 恐怕我目前的工作已经遇到了升迁障碍。I'm afraid I have reached

the“glass ceiling”in my current job.

❾ 我想通过积累其他经验来扩大我的知识面。I want to broaden my

knowledge by gaining other experience.

同类表达 I believe having a variety of experience is good for my career. 我相信有不同的经


❿ 既然前景这么好,你为什么要离开这家公司呢?If things are going well,

why do you want to leave?

这样回答 I have a strong desire to learn other knowledge that I cannot learn in my current

position. 我非常渴望学习更多在我现在的工作中学不到的新知识。
