Scene 381 人际关系(在线收听

Scene 381 人际关系
❶ 我是一个富有团队精神的人。I'm a good team player.
对话 A: What kind of person do you think you are? 你认为自己是个什么样的人?
B: I'm a good team player. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。
❷ 你的朋友和同事会怎么描述你?How would your friends or colleagues
describe you?
这样回答 They would say I am a friendly, caring and determined person. 他们会说我是个
❸ 我和别人相处得很好。I get on very well with others.
这样提问 How do you get along with others? 你和别人相处得怎么样?
❹ 你喜欢和哪类人共事?What kind of people do you like to work with?
这样回答 I like to work with open-minded people who would wish to share ideas and
resources with others. 我喜欢跟心胸宽阔,并且愿意跟别人分享想法和资源的人一起工作。
❺ 你如何诚实地评价以前上司的优缺点?How would you honestly evaluate
the strengths and weaknesses of your previous supervisor?
同类表达 What do you think of your current manager? 你对目前的经理如何评价?
❻ 我之前的经理非常友好,工作效率也非常高。My previous manager is very
friendly and also very efficient.
同类表达 He is very good at assigning the right tasks to the right people. 他非常善于人尽其
❼ 你和哪种类型的人相处有困难?What types of people do you have trouble
getting along with?
这样回答 I think I have the hardest time getting on well with people who think they're
always right. 我觉得我跟固执己见的人相处起来最困难。
❽ 你和同事意见不合会怎么处理?How do you cope with disagreements with
这样回答 I would try to listen to everyone's opinions and try my best not to be stubborn. 我
❾ 如果你的老板批评了你,但实际上不是你的错。你会怎么办?If your boss
blames you, but it is not your fault actually, what will you do?
这样回答 I will make efforts to complete the things that he is unsatisfied with. 我会努力完