英语场景口语大全 Scene 382 优缺点(在线收听

 Scene 382 优缺点

❶ 你的优点和缺点是什么?What are your advantages and disadvantages?
同类表达 Tell me how you see your strengths and your weaknesses. 告诉我你怎样看待自
❷ 你最大的长处是什么?What is your greatest strength?
同类表达 What is your strongest point?
What's your best quality?
❸ 良好的沟通技能是我最大的优点。Good communication skill is my greatest
同类表达 My main advantage is good communication skill. 我主要的优点就是良好的沟通
❹ 我善于做行政管理。I'm adept at executive management.
同类表达 I'm good at organizing. 我擅长组织。
❺ 我的主要优势在于我有很强的责任心。My main advantage is my deep
sense of duty.
同类表达 I think one of my best qualities is my sense of responsibility. 我认为责任心是我
❻ 你的缺点是什么?What are your weak points?
同类表达 What is your greatest weakness? 你最大的缺点是什么?
What are your shortcomings? 你的缺点是什么?
❼ 因为刚刚毕业,我缺乏工作经验。Since I just graduated, I lack work
同类表达 I don't have any related experience in this field. 我没有这个领域的任何相关经
❽ 你听到最多的批评是什么?Which criticism do you hear the most?
这样回答 What I hear most is that I will stick to whatever I think right. It sounds a little
stubborn. 我听到最多的是我总会坚持我认为对的事情,这显得我有些固执。
❾ 我有点完美主义,这是我最大的缺点。I'm sort of perfectionist, which is
my greatest weakness.
❿ 我认为我的缺点就是不寻求帮助。I think my weakness is not asking for
同类表达 I feel my weakness is not being detail-oriented enough. 我感觉我的缺点就是不