Scene 383 规划(在线收听

 Scene 383 规划

❶ 能告诉我你的理想职业是什么吗?May I ask what your ideal job is?
同类表达 Could you describe your dream job? 你可以描述一下你的理想职业吗?
What kind of job is the most ideal one? 什么样的工作是最理想的工作?
❷ 你未来三年内的职业目标是什么?What is your career goal in the next
three years?
这样回答 I want to become an experienced manager in the next three years. 我想要在未来
❸ 你对这份工作的期望是什么?What are your expectations from working on
this job?
这 样 回 答 I look forward to having the responsibility for training and supervising new
members of staff. 我期望能负责培训和管理新员工。
❹ 说说你的近期目标吧。Tell me about some of your recent goals.
❺ 如果你被聘用,你有什么计划?What are your plans if you were hired?
同类表达 What are your plans for the future? 你将来有什么计划?
❻ 我希望我能够获得更多在像你们这样有名望的公司工作的经历。I hope I
can get more experiences from a widely known company like your's.
同类表达 I hope I can bring what I've learned into full play here, and be a good accountant.
❼ 你的职业目标是什么?What are your career goals?
对话 A: What are your career goals? 你的职业目标是什么?
B: I hope to start with an assistant secretary and to become an administrative assistant in a
few years' time. 我想先从助理秘书开始做起,希望几年后能成为行政助理。
❽ 你准备怎样开展你的工作?How do you plan to do your part of work?
❾ 你打算在我们公司工作多久呢?How long do you plan to work in our
这样回答 I won't leave the company as long as I have opportunity to apply my knowledge
and experience. 只要我有机会运用我的知识和经验,我就不会离开公司。
❿ 未来你想做到什么位置?Where do you see yourself in the future?
同类表达 Where do you see yourself in three years? 三年后你想做到什么位置?
这样回答 I hope I will become a Project Manager. 我希望我能成为项目经理。