Scene 384 胜任(在线收听

Scene 384 胜任
❶ 我的专业和工作经验使我能胜任这个职位。My major and working
experience make me qualified for this position.
❷ 我具备推销产品必需的能力。I have the necessary ability to promote
❸ 你是否觉得你应聘该职位有些大材小用了?Do you think you are
overqualified for this position?
这样回答 I never think I'm overqualified, but I do think I'm very well qualified for this
position. 我从来不认为自己资历过高,但我确实觉得自己完全能胜任这个职位。
❹ 这个工作需要经常出差。有问题吗?There is a lot of travel involved with
this job. Do you have any problems with that?
这样回答 No problem. I have strong adaptability. 没问题,我适应能力强。
❺ 什么能使你从其他应聘者中脱颖而出?What will make you stand out from
other candidates?
这样回答 I have a knack for languages, especially English, because it is my major. 我拥有熟
❻ 你要用多长时间才能开始为公司做出贡献?How long would it take you to
make a contribution to our company?
同类表达 I have ample experience about this position, so I can keep pace with you soon. 我
❼ 我善于提供最高品质的客户服务。I am good at offering the highest quality
customer service.
❽ 对于上夜班和周末上班你觉得有问题吗?Will it be a problem for you to
work on night shifts and weekends?
同类表达 Would you mind working shifts? 你介意轮班工作吗?
Sometimes you'd have to work on the night shift. Will that be a problem? 有时你需要上夜
❾ 你认为你能为我们公司做出什么贡献?What contribution do you think you
can make to our company?
同类表达 I would make every effort to benefit the company. 我会竭尽全力让公司受益的。
❿ 我确信我能够为贵公司做出有价值的贡献。I'm sure I can make a valuable
contribution to your company.