Scene 385 能力(在线收听

Scene 385 能力
❶ 我能独立完成这项任务。I am able to finish the task on my own.
同类表达 I am able to finish the report on schedule. 我能按时完成报告。
❷ 你如何管理时间?How do you manage your time?
这样回答 Every day, I prioritize the tasks and arrange a schedule for each step. 每天,我会
❸ 一般来说,我总能通过制订计划将时间管理好。Generally speaking, I
always manage my time well by setting up a plan.
同类表达 Plan can make me more methodical. 计划能够使我更加有条理性。
❹ 你喜欢团队工作还是独立工作?Do you like working in a team or on your
同类表达 Do you prefer to work in small teams or big teams? 你更喜欢和小团队还是大团
❺ 我做事非常有条理。I'm very organized.
对话 A: How would you describe yourself? 你怎么评价自己?
B: I'm very organized. And I can get along very well with others. 我做事非常有条理,和其
❻ 我觉得自己做事主动并有进取心。I feel that I have initiative and I am
同类表达 I think that I'm a disciplined person. 我认为我是一个遵守纪律的人。
❼ 你如何应对压力?How do you handle pressure?
这样回答 I work well under pressure, because pressure can help me work more efficiently.
❽ 你如何处理突发事件?How do you deal with an emergency?
对话 A: How do you deal with an emergency? 你如何处理突发事件?
B: We should calm down and deal with it positively and carefully. 我们应该保持冷静,积
❾ 在工作中应对不同的变化是必要的。Dealing with different changes is a
requirement in the work.
❿ 你认为这份工作中最难的是什么?What do you think is the most difficult
side of this job?
这样回答 I think making every customer satisfied is the most difficult and important in this
job. 我认为在这份工作中,做到让每一位客户都满意是最困难的,也是最重要的。