Scene 388 报到(在线收听

Scene 388 报到
❶ 你是新来的吗?Are you a newcomer?
同类表达 Are you new here? 你是新来的吗?
Is this your first day to our office? 这是你第一天来上班吗?
❷ 今天是我第一天上班。It's my first day here.
同类表达 My first day on the job is nerve-racking. 第一天上班让我神经紧绷。
❸ 欢迎加入我们的团队!Welcome to our team!
同类表达 Welcome to our company. 欢迎加入我们公司。
对话 A: Welcome to our team! 欢迎加入我们的团队!
B: Thank you. I am so happy to work here. 谢谢。很高兴能在这里工作。
❹ 我是来报到上班的。I'm here to report for work.
同类表达 I'm reporting for work today. 我是今天来报到上班的。
❺ 史密斯先生给我打电话让我今天来这儿报到。Mr. Smith called me and let
me report here today.
同类表达 I was told to report here to work as a secretary. 有人通知我到这里报到做秘书工
❻ 我是来实习的秘书。I am a secretary on probation.
同类表达 I am on work experience. 我在实习。
❼ 祝你第一天工作顺利!Have a great first day!
同类表达 We will hold a reception for you! 我们会为你举办一个欢迎会!
对话 A: Have a great first day! 祝你第一天工作顺利!
B: Thank you so much. 十分感谢。
❽ 我会尽力做好的。I will strive for the excellence.
同类表达 Don't worry. You'll master everything soon. 别担心,你很快就会熟练的。
❾ 这份新工作开始时会有一些辛苦。The new job will be a bit tough in the
❿ 放轻松,你需要一些时间来适应新工作。Take it easy. You need some time
to get a feel for the new job.
对话 A: I should write all these down. 我应该把这些都写下来。
B: Take it easy. You need some time to get a feel for the new job. 放轻松,你需要一些时间