英语场景口语大全 Scene 390 规定(在线收听

 Scene 390 规定

❶ 你能告诉我一些公司的规定吗?Can you tell me about the rules of our
同类表达 Could you tell me if there are any special rules about the job? 你能告诉我这份工
❷ 咱们公司对着装有什么要求吗?What is the dress code in our company?
同类表达 Are we allowed to wear casual clothes? 我们允许穿便装吗?
Should I wear formal clothes? 我应该穿正装吗?
❸ 不要忘了上下班打卡。Don't forget to punch in and punch out.
同类表达 Where should I punch in? 我应该在哪里打卡?
You need to clock in and clock out. 你需要上下班打卡。
❹ 我们通常有一个小时的午休时间。We usually take a one-hour lunch break.
同类表达 How long is our tea break? 我们的茶歇时间有多久?
Do we have coffee breaks? 我们有工间休息吗?
❺ 我们每个月五号发工资。We get paid on the fifth of every month.
同类表达 Every year, usually in December, we receive a bonus. 通常在每年的十二月份,
❻ 我们采用绩效考核制度。We have a merit system.
同类表达 We have adopted a merit-pay system. 我们采用绩效计酬制。
There is a performance review every month. 每月都有绩效考核。
❼ 一定不要迟到或旷工。Be sure not to be late or absent.
同类表达 Your pay may be docked if you're late for work. 上班迟到会扣薪水。
❽ 我们每周一开例会。We have meetings on Mondays.
同类表达 We report work every Friday. 我们每周五汇报工作。
❾ 如果你要请假就必须填请假条。You have to fill out a request form if you
want a day off.
同类表达 If employee wants to ask for a sick leave, he has to present the related documents.
❿ 加班会有补休。If you work overtime, you get comp time.
同类表达 Do you pay for working overtime? 你们加班发工资吗?
If we work on weekends, we could be paid overtime. 如果我们周末上班,就能得到加班