Scene 394 分配工作(在线收听

Scene 394 分配工作

❶ 我会给你们分配任务。I will assign tasks to you.

同类表达 Now let me tell you your specific duties here. 现在我来告诉你在这里的具体职责。

❷ 你的主要职责是接听电话。Your main duty is to answer the phone.

❸ 还有什么其他事情是我应该做的吗?Is there anything else I should do?

这样回答 Please make sure all the orders are filled out. 请确认所有的订单都已经填好了。

❹ 我这周要做什么?What am I going to do this week?

同类表达 What's on the schedule for today? 今天的日程安排是什么?

What's on today's agenda? 今天的日程安排是什么?

Can you tell me whom I will be reporting to? 你能告诉我之后要向谁汇报吗?

❺ 由于这是你第一天上班,可以先从了解我们的特色产品开始。For this is your first day of work, you can start with knowing our special products.

同类表达 The first thing you should do is to apply for an enterprise mailbox. 你首先要做的是去申请一个企业邮箱。

❻ 你下班前必须完成这项工作。You have to get this done before you leave.

❼ 今天忙了一天。It's been a long day.

同类表达 I've got so much to do. 我有好多事要干。

John has swamped with the work in the company. 约翰在公司忙得不可开交。

❽ 我会尽量公平地分配工作。I'll try to spread out the work evenly.

对话 A: Excuse me, Mr. Smith. I just can't get around to it. Could you ask someone else to do this? 不好意思,史密斯先生,我实在是腾不出空来。你能不能让别人来做这项工作?

B: OK, I'll try to spread out the work evenly. 好吧。我会尽量公平地分配工作。

❾ 我不能承诺什么,但是我会尽全力。I can't promise anything, but I will do my best.

同类表达 I will try my best to finish the job. 我会竭尽全力去完成工作。

❿ 我想让你帮我翻译文件。I want you to translate the documents for me.

同类表达 Your job is to help our customers with any questions they have. 你的工作是帮助顾客处理他们遇到的任何问题。
