Scene 396 上下班(在线收听

Scene 396 上下班

❶ 你上班打卡了吗?Did you punch in?

这样回答 I remember I punched in. 我记得我打卡了。

对话 A: Did you punch in? 你上班打卡了吗?

B: Oh, I forgot. 哦,我忘了。

❷ 打卡机坏了。The time clock is broken.

同类表达 There must be something wrong with the time clock. 打卡机一定是出了什么问题。

❸ 今天上午所有的员工都在九点之前打卡上班了。All staff punched in before 9:00 this morning.

对话 A: Was anyone late for work this morning? 今天早上有人上班迟到吗?

B: No. All staff punched in before 9:00 this morning. 没有,今天上午所有的员工都在九点之前打卡上班了。

❹ 你迟到了十分钟。You're ten minutes late.

同类表达 What time did you clock in this morning? 你今天上午几点打的卡?

John punched in late this morning. 约翰早上打卡迟了。

❺ 我今天可以提前一个小时下班吗?Can I knock off one hour early today?

这样回答 For what? 为什么?

❻ 你不能提前打卡下班。You're not allowed to clock out ahead of time.

❼ 我想下班的时间到了。I think it is time to call it a day.

同类表达 I'm leaving now, but there is something wrong with the time clock. 我要走了,但是打卡机出问题了。

❽ 吉姆,要我帮你下班打卡吗?Shall I clock out for you, Jim?

对话 A: Shall I clock out for you, Jim? 吉姆,要我帮你下班打卡吗?

B: No. Company doesn't allow it. 不用了,公司不允许的。

❾ 我有急事,我要现在打卡下班。I have something urgent and I need to clock out now.

同类表达 I wish I could leave now. 我希望现在就可以走了。

❿ 给我一分钟的时间退出电脑系统。Just give me one minute to log out.

这样回答 Hurry up! 快点儿!
