Scene 397 日常工作(在线收听

Scene 397 日常工作

❶ 请复印这些文件。Please make copies of these documents.

同类表达 Please run off these documents.

❷ 记得把这些电子邮件抄送给我。Be sure to CC me on these e-mails.

同类表达 Don't forget to forward the emails to other departments. 别忘了把邮件转发给其他部门。

❸ 能帮我把这份文件传真一下吗?Would you please fax this document for me?

同类表达 Could you please fax this document? 能把这个文件传真一下吗?

Please fax this document to the head office. 请把这份文件传真到总部。

❹ 屏幕不动了。The screen is frozen.

同类表达 The computer has a virus. 这台电脑中病毒了。

I can't get into my file. 我打不开文件了。

❺ 我电脑死机了。My computer is frozen.

同类表达 My computer just crashed. 我电脑死机了。

❻ 这台打印机出故障了。This printer is out of order.

同类表达 The copy machine doesn't work. 这台复印机出故障了。

❼ 你能帮我查一下我的日程安排吗?Could you please check my schedule for me?

对话 A: Lucy, could you please check my schedule for me? 露西,你能帮我查一下我的日程安排吗?

B: Well, you have a meeting at 1:00 p.m.. 好,你下午一点钟有个会。

❽ 你能帮我打一下这份报告吗?Could you please type this report for me?

同类表达 Which font should I use? 我应该用什么字体?

❾ 这些文件在六点前要打好。I need these documents typed up by six.

同类表达 I'll have it typed up right away. 我马上就打好。

Please double space it. 采用双倍行距。

❿ 打印机需要墨粉。The printer needs ink.

同类表达 We need a new ink cartridge for the printer. 我们的打印机需要新的墨盒。
