
Then suddenly Laertes jumped into the grave and held her in his arms.
"You were the loveliest sister in the world. Why did you kill yourself? Bury me alive beside you, " cried Laertes.
Upon hearing Laertes' words, Hamlet rushed out of the bushes and jumped into the grave. He intended to take Ophelia into his arms.
"I loved Ophelia much more than you, Laertes. Give me back my Ophelia," cried Hamlet to him.
As Laertes thought Hamlet was responsible for his sister's death as well as for his father's, he wanted to kill him. He said to Hamlet, "It is you, Hamlet, who killed my father and sister. Though you are the prince of our country, I cannot forgive you. I will kill you here, today, for my poor family."
They started fighting in the grave. But soon they were separated by the other men who were there.
After Hamlet and Horatio had left the grave of Ophelia, the king called Laertes to him and told him that he had an idea. He advised Laertes to have a friendly sword fight with Hamlet at the hall of the castle the next day. Upon hearing the king' s plan, Laertes agreed with him. This wicked king, Claudius, was going to capitalize on the grief and anger of Laertes for the death of his father and sister to destroy Hamlet .


The king suggested that Laertes should use a sharp sword with poison on the tip of it. Such a sword was very dangerous, so, of course, it was not allowed in a friendly fight. If Laertes struck Hamlet hard with the sword, he would be killed within a few minutes. Laertes was so good at fencing that the king was sure that he would kill Hamlet during the match. The king intended to have Hamlet use a blunt sword. However, in case Hamlet should win the contest, he prepared a glass of poisoned wine. He was going to offer it to Hamlet, pretending to admire his victory. He hoped Hamlet would drink it and die.
One of the king' s men came to Hamlet to tell him about the contest between Hamlet and Laertes the next day. He accepted the proposal at once, as he thought it was just a friendly contest.
The next day a number of people came to the hall where the contest was to be held. They had been looking forward to seeing the contest between the two young men. The king and queen sat at the table on which the glass of poisoned wine had been placed.

