Scene 402 工作餐(在线收听

Scene 402 工作餐

❶ 去吃午饭怎么样?How about some lunch?

同类表达 Hey, Robin, going out for lunch? 嘿,罗宾,出去吃午饭吗?

❷ 我现在也觉得有点儿饿了。I also feel kind of hungry now.

同类表达 Would you like to join me for lunch? 要和我一起去吃午饭吗?

❸ 有上等的排骨或牛肉可选。You have a choice of prime rib or beef.

对话 A: What do we have for lunch? 我们午饭吃什么?

B: You have a choice of prime rib or beef. 有上等的排骨或牛肉可选。

❹ 我们不需要预订位置。We don't have to reserve a table.

同类表达 I'd like to make a reservation. 我想预订。

❺ 我去给咱们弄点吃的。I'll bring us some food.

对话 A: I'll bring us some food. 我去给咱们弄点吃的。

B: Thank you. I want hamburger. 谢啦。我想吃汉堡包。

❻ 公司买单。It's the company who is footing the bill.

对话 A: Don't you think it's too expensive? 你不认为太贵了吗?

B: It's the company who is footing the bill. 公司买单。

❼ 杰克在公司的自助餐厅排队买饭呢。Jack is in line at the company cafeteria.

同类表达 I am on my way to the cafeteria. 我正在去自助餐厅的路上。

❽ 咱们在食物卖光前,快点儿去自助餐厅吧。Let's go to the cafeteria fast before the food sells out.

对话 A: Let's go to the cafeteria fast before the food sells out. 咱们在食物卖光前,快点儿去自助餐厅吧。

B: Just wait for a moment. I have one document to print. 稍等一下,我还有一份文件要打印。

❾ 这次轮到我请你吃晚餐了。It's my turn to buy you dinner.

这样回答 Thanks for the wonderful lunch. 谢谢你请的这顿美味的午餐。

❿ 下次换我请。Next time it is on me.

同类表达 Next time I am going to treat you.

Next time it will be my treat.
