Scene 403 称赞(在线收听

Scene 403 称赞

❶ 我对你的工作十分满意。I'm very satisfied with your work.

同类表达 I'm very pleased with your work. 我对你的工作非常满意。

❷ 你很能干。You're a go-getter.

同类表达 Never did I expect you to finish it in such a short time. 真没想到你能在这么短的时间内完成。

❸ 老板对约翰评价很高。The boss thinks highly of John.

对话 A: You know what, John has been dismissed. 你知道吗?约翰被开除了。

B: That's impossible. The boss thinks highly of John. 不可能紧。老板对约翰评价很高。

❹ 非常感谢你为这个项目付出的努力。Thank you so much for the efforts you've put into this project.

同类表达 Thank you for your hard work. 感谢你的努力工作。

Thank you for working overtime to finish the job. 感谢你们加班完成工作。

❺ 我想趁这个机会告诉你,你在公司的表现非常好。I would like to take this

opportunity to tell you what a fine job you've been doing in this company.

❻ 你做得太棒了!You've done a great job!

同类表达 Well done!

You really did very well.

Good job!

❼ 继续好好干!Keep up the good work!

同类表达 Keep at it! 坚持下去!

Just a little harder. 再加把劲儿。

❽ 我必须称赞你的表现不错。I must commend you for your good performance.

❾ 你有潜力,我希望你工作更加努力一些。You have potential and I hope you start trying a little harder.

同类表达 You can do better. 你可以做得更好。

Give it your best. 尽力做吧。

❿ 我必须称赞你的勤奋。I must praise you for your diligence.

同类表达 You deserve it. 这是你应得的。
