Scene 405 回应褒贬(在线收听

Scene 405 回应褒贬

❶ 谢谢您的称赞。Thanks for your compliment.

同类表达 Thanks for your praise.

对话 A: Thanks for your compliment. 谢谢您的称赞。

B: You deserve it. 这是你应得的。

❷ 我还有很多需要学习。There is still plenty more for me to learn.

对话 A: You really did a good job! 你做得真的非常出色!

B: Thank you. There is still plenty more for me to learn. 谢谢您。我还有很多需要学习。

❸ 我不会让您失望的。I won't let you down.

同类表达 I won't make you disappointed.

❹ 再也不会发生这样的事了。It will never happen again.

同类表达 A promise is a promise! 说到做到!

❺ 我不应该那样做。I shouldn't have done that.

同类表达 I should have asked you first. 我应该先征求你的意见。

❻ 我要为我的疏忽道歉。I'd like to apologize for my carelessness.

同类表达 Please forgive me for the incident. 我请求你对此事的谅解。

❼ 我负全责。I take full responsibility.

同类表达 It's all my fault. 都是我的错。

I blame no one but myself. 不能怪别人,只能怪我自己。

❽ 那不是我分内的事。It's not in my job description.

同类表达 I haven't finished the work you gave me yesterday. 你昨天给我的工作我还没有做完呢。

❾ 我只是按照吩咐去做的。I was only following orders.

同类表达 That's the way I was told to do it. 怎么吩咐,我就怎么做。

❿ 我们一贯这样做。That's the way we've always done it.

同类表达 That's not my job. 那不是我的工作。

There was only a limited amount of time. 时间有限啊。
